Is Your Estate Plan In Order?

Is Your Estate Plan In Order?

Is your estate plan in order

The death of a celebrity, especially when it is sudden, captures our imagination.

We want to know how they died and, of course, what will happen to their money. To us at Accettura and Hurwitz, these deaths are a reminder of the importance of maintaining a current estate plan. An estate plan is part of your final legacy. It is your final statement as to who is loved and important. In it you provide and protect your loved ones; important objectives no matter how much or how little you have. The one thing all of these celebrities had in common is that they either didn’t have an estate plan or it was sadly outdated.

As Accettura & Hurwitz clients you are to be congratulated for having an estate plan. Please keep in touch with us to ensure that your plan reflects your current wishes.

This Newsletter is considered general information and is not intended to constitute individual legal advice. Please contact us if you think the information herein impacts you directly. We look forward to speaking with you soon.